Constant change needs constant rethinks

The last few months have been a whirl of business development, networking, new clients and juggling time constraints – not to mention trying to keep up with Google’s ever-changing activities.  So maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise to read my own main website and find loads of things that I need to rewrite and re-evaluate.

In some ways it’s the old “cobbler’s children” situation; always working on other people’s sites leaves little time or perspective for your own. In other ways it’s the nature of the SEO business – I often say that if you go on holiday for a week then you have to spend 2 weeks catching up after you get back. And there’s also a bit of change now that I’m fully independent rather than making decisions with others. But the longer I spend in this business the more often I realise that we’re constantly learning and adapting to changing market conditions and that ideas and tactics that were gospel 6 months ago are now totally different. You have to step back and remember that increasingly often, lest you find yourself saying something you no longer believe.

So I’ll be doing a fair bit of thinking about how I describe my approach to web optimisation and marketing and much changing of the site will ensue to reflect my current strategies.

There’ll be lots of rethinking being done at the moment following the major changes Google has been rolling out recently – particularly the new personalised search change which could potentially revolutionise the search market. I’ll be writing about that and the effects it could have in the very near future, but for now it’s off to do some strategic thinking, editing and site analysis.

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